
There is an increasingly urgent need for transparency in the food chain. Growers, livestock farmers and other food producers require a sustainable economic business model.

Despite the increasing demands relating to food safety, the Agrifood industry is innovative and has demonstrated its ability to provide food for a growing world population. As the influx of new technologies continues to influence the industry’s dynamics and value chain, it is driving the need for strong leaders who can give all stakeholders a new and inclusive vision of the future.

We helped to find

Group HR Manager

Leading livestock supplier and meat producer

Senior buiness development manager global sales

Leading Austrian producer of fruit preparations and fruit juice concentrates

Managing director retail

Leading Dutch dairy cooperative

Chief Operating Officer

Leading German dairy cooperative

Managing Director Petfood

Leading producer of animal feed and petfood

Director Fresh

Innovative provider of customised solutions for vegetables and beans

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Leading flour milling company

Business unit leader

Leading producer of frozen potato products


Central service provider for members of the agricultural and horticultural association

Managing Director

Regional association for agriculture and and horticulture

Sales Director

Leading producer of private label pre-baked bread

Managing Director

Innovative and fast growing producer of biodiesel

Head of Strategic Key Accounts

Leading French cooperative in agriculture

Business Unit Manager

Leading Dutch cooperative in vegetables and fruits

HR Director

Leading Dutch cooperative in the supply of meat products

Supervisory Board Member

Leading Dutch cooperative in the supply of meat products

Business Unit Directeur

Innovative family owned provider of automated systems for agriculture

Chief Executive Officer

Leading family owned producer of preserved vegetables and fruits
“They mediated on my behalf when I was a candidate. It made me think: if they do it just like that for our company, everything will be all right.”

Managing Director

“Working together was a very pleasant experience. SDH innately sensed what we wanted and we particularly valued the care they took in respect of the candidates.”

Chair of Co-operative

“Above all, SDH’s knowledge of our sector and the relevant network are decisive as far as we’re concerned. It’s one thing less to worry about if your executive search agency has the right contacts and knows the standards the candidates have to meet.”

Member of the Supervisory Board